Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Do you have an aloe vera plant in your home? If not. . . it is time to get one. My grandmother, who helped raised me, had a huge aloe plant and I remember her placing pure aloe on my skin to help heal any wound or problem I had growing up. She really believed in the healing properties that the aloe vera plant had and I thank her for introducing me to such a powerful plant!!!

The aloe vera plant is a species of the succulent family and has vitamins and minerals, enzymes, amino acids and natural sugars. The plant also has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects. The combination and balance of the plant's ingredients provides large amounts of all natural healing properties.

The aloe plant has long spiked leaves with a thick skin. If you slice straight down the skin of an aloe leaf, a clear gel like substance will appear offering a large amount of pure aloe. If you only need a small amount of aloe, you can break an inch or so off the tip of one of the leaves. This will not kill the leaf of the plant.  It will develop a scar along that edge and continue to grow.

The pure form of aloe and can be used for many purposes. Here are a few ways to use your aloe plant:

•    If you burn your skin cooking, using curling irons/flat irons, or even from too much sun exposure, pure aloe is the most effective way to stop the burn and help heal the skin fast with minimal scarring.
•    If you have an insect bite, small cut or skin irritaion, aloe can help heal and take away the pain and heal the skin.
•    If your skin is dry, irritated or flaking, apply the aloe directly to the skin like a mask, leave on for approximately 10-15 minutes and remove with a cold towel. This will help soften and moisturize your skin, leaving it healthy and fresh.
•    If you notice your scalp flaking or feeling very dry and red, placing aloe directly to the scalp will help heal the irritated area and moisturize the scalp

When taken orally, aloe vera juice is also known for the ability to help with digestion problems, ulcers and diabities. It also helps with your overall immunity and gives you energy if taken daily. You can buy pure aloe juice at your local health foods store.

***Buying Aloe Vera Gel In a Store:
If buying aloe vera gel in the store, make sure to look a the content of  pure aloe vera. Many products that are aloe based have large amounts of alcohol in them to preserve the product. This will not give you the full effect and benefits that aloe has. Make sure it is 100% PURE aloe vera.

Buy An ALOE PLANT!!!!!!!! They are very beneficial and easy to take care of! GET ONE!!!

-Shannon Irene

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